A Review: Jade War (The Green Bone Saga #2) by Fonda Lee

On the island of Kekon, the Kaul family is locked in a violent feud for control of the capital city and the supply of magical jade that endows trained Green Bone warriors with supernatural powers they alone have possessed for hundreds of years.

Beyond Kekon’s borders, war is brewing. Powerful foreign governments and mercenary criminal kingpins alike turn their eyes on the island nation. Jade, Kekon’s most prized resource, could make them rich – or give them the edge they’d need to topple their rivals.

Faced with threats on all sides, the Kaul family is forced to form new and dangerous alliances, confront enemies in the darkest streets and the tallest office towers, and put honor aside in order to do whatever it takes to ensure their own survival – and that of all the Green Bones of Kekon.

Jade War is the second book of the Green Bone Saga, an epic trilogy about family, honor, and those who live and die by the ancient laws of blood and jade.

My Review

I think I can say wholeheartedly that when I picked up Jade War, I had absolutely no idea what I was in for. After Jade City, I guess I knew that things were going to escalate again but I had no idea what shape or form it would take, and in some ways I was hoping that, even though it very clearly says “war” in the title, this book would be all happy and rosy with just lots of Kaul family shenanigans. Alas, despite my wildest hopes, this was not to be.

Hilo is still by far one of my favourite characters, and it has been really interesting watching him go from the unruly, blood thirsty Horn to the “responsible” Pillar of No Peak. As Pillar, he has had to rein in the characteristics that made him a much-feared Horn, however he has still managed to retain the ruthless and callous side to him which frankly, can be kind of scary. He is a gorgeously morally grey character, and even though some of his decisions are highly questionable, he is completely devoted to his clan and would do anything to protect his family.

Where Shae’s character was probably one of the least developed in Jade City, Jade War turned that around and gave her the depth that she deserved. I loved that she went from someone who shunned the Green Bone way of life, to a woman who lived, breathed and fought for it, and I really can’t wait to see what this freaking badass does next. Watching Shae and Wen’s friendship develop was a lovely bonus as well, because female friendships give me all the feels. It was also wonderful learning more about Wen, and watching her progress from someone who didn’t really know her place in the clan, or the world for that matter, to someone who decided that being a Stone Eye wasn’t something that was going to define her.

I love, love, love Anden – more than I love Hilo, and I have found him to be one of the most interesting characters in this series. Every time his chapter came around I would perk up, because he really is just such a delight. I have a few ideas on where things are going to head with him, and I hope I am right, but time will only tell.

I would compare Jade War to like being on a rollercoaster. Things slowly go up, tension builds and your heart races, but you know that things are about to plummet out of control – you just don’t know when or how. And when they plummet….boy do they plummet. No character is safe, and at times the brutality and violence can be quite shocking. Favourite characters have to make incredibly tough and heartbreaking decisions, which made me feel so conflicted, because on one hand I want them to win, but on the other hand it’s like watching someone lose little parts of their soul. It is captivating yet heartwrenching at the same time.

Fonda Lee is a brilliant story-teller, and the way she weaves her words is straight-up spellbinding. Even if I didn’t like the stories, I feel like I would still pick up her books just to experience how she writes, because her world building and prose are just out of this world. At times I would read a sentence and marvel at how such beautifully formed sentences could come out of a human, and I think Jade War gave me a whole new level of respect for Fonda Lee.

I absolutely loved this book, no doubt about it. I want the next book now, but at the same time I need time to process all of the events that transpired in Jade War. This book left me feeling heartbroken and worried, and I think I think book three (Jade Legacy) is going to be one hell of a ride.


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